Eating Teppanyaki

Teppanyaki - a non staple food hails from Japan. Since post-World War 2, teppanyaki has been famously eaten by Japanese as a style of Japanese cuisine which cooks food on an iron griddle or hot pan. The word teppanyaki is actually originated from the Japanese word teppan which means metal plate used for cooking and yaki which means pan-fried, boiled or grilled. Teppanyaki usually refers to the okonomiyaki, monjayaki, chicken, steak or shrimp. The cooking of teppanyaki would thrill audience all the time. Often teppanyaki, once placed on the hot pan, will be cooked in front of guests in the restaurants. And besides being sizzling hot, there will be a huge fire to thrill. Eating teppanyaki is always a pleasure in Japan. The Japanese people are always delighted with the taste of hot seafood, sliced meat and vegetables on their plates. It is nowadays a custom among Japanese eaters as they enjoy the pleasures in eating teppanyaki. From Japan, teppanyaki has spread to the rest of the wo...